John 2 water to wine commentary on the book

And jesus was invited to the wedding and so were his disciples. John 2, new international version niv the bible app. He is always there sometimes, during these festivities, they ran out of wine, john 2. In the second chapter of johns gospel we have the account of the first miracle of our lord. The total number of miracles recorded in all 4 gospels. John selected these 7 for a specific purpose, in order to prove something to the readers. The second is accomplishing this miracle in a way that was not apparent to everyone. The miracle or sign of turning water into wine is suggested to be the first example of. Moses turned water into blood, showing that the law results in death exodus 7. Greek interlinear bible, scrtr, scrtr t, strong, parsing, cgts, cges id, av. Study guide for john 2 by david guzik blue letter bible. Study the bible online using commentary on john 2 and more. The narrative of the changing the water into wine concludes with a transitional verse.

He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Obedient son, ultimate purifier, allproviding bridegroom. The first is the transformation of water into wine. John 2 new international version niv jesus changes water into wine. Johns purpose in his gospel was to produce faith jn 20. When we compare what christ and moses each did with water, jesus miracle shows the contrast between law and grace. Partner with the blb disclaimer multiverse retrieval. And the gospel call is, come ye to the waters, and buy wine, isa. John 2 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesthe gospel of. The scene has now shifted from judea, where john the baptist was baptizing in the river jordan, to seventy miles north, the area of galilee. Not all of them, but enough to produce faith in jesus as the christ, the son of god 2. Jesus mother was there, 2 and jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. The changing of water to wine is jesus first public act in john, the inaugural.

The story of the wedding at cana of galilee is found only in johns gospel. Thus, he performed the miracle privately, in a way that conformed to gods timing. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink. The wine in question would be fermented wine, diluted with water. Here is the story with a commentary summarizing the occasion. The apostle john did not include this story about jesus turning water to wine so that we could argue over the christian use of alcohol. Now six stone water jars had been set there, john records for us with an explanation, for jewish purification. It was a twoday walk to galilee, and they would have arrived on the morning of the third day. The circumstances of it magnified it and freed it from all suspicion of cheat or collusion. Shiloh is said to wash his garments in wine, the water for washing being turned into wine. Study john 2 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better. On the third day there was a wedding at cana in galilee, and the mother of jesus was there. The changing of water to wine is jesus first public act in john, the inaugural sign of gods presence in. John chapter 2 records jesus performing a miracle at a wedding in cana of galilee.

In one sense, there are two miracles here in these first verses of john 2. Which he sought to accomplish by recording the signs done by jesus b. The miracle at cana in galilee, where our lord changed water into wine, john 2. Now both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding. In john chapter 2 we read where jesus turned water into wine. Nrsv with link to anglicized nrsv at oremus bible browser. This doesnt sound like much of a problem to us, but to the jews, it could be ruinous. This is critically important for understanding this section of johns gospel properly. The bridegroom was responsible for providing adequate supplies. Did jesus change the water into wine or grape juice. Rather, the next three chapters of this gospel, beginning in chapter 2, will show jesus fulfilling and surpassing judaism. Remember that john the apostle wrote his gospel much later than the other. Ray notes in his commentary, it may, in fact, refer to the beginning of a new.

Now there were six stone water jars there for the jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. This, the first of his miraculous signs, jesus performed at cana in galilee. Jesus mother, mary, asks jesus to intervene, and he does so, reluctantly. He is referring, of course, to the third day after jesus had left judea. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their. Those that would have christ with them at their marriage, must invite him by prayer, and he will come. They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.

John 2 on the third day there was a wedding at cana in. After this he went down to capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. John has particularly noted this because the third day has a symbolic meaning. Jesus turns water into wine understanding the wedding at cana john 2. On pentecost, the apostles were accused of being full of new wine acts 2. When the wine had run short, jesus mother said to him. Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. He purges the temple at the feast of the passover, john 2. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. Of course, this against the plain meaning of this passage and all of the gospel records of jesus. But jesus first miracle turned water into wine, showing the gladness and joy of his new work. The jews require a miracle, as a proof that he had authority to do these things, john 2. John 2 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity.

Moses changes water to blood, and christ changes it into wine. Chapters 212 are often called the book of signs, because in them jesus. Look closer at the stone water jars, for they hold the key to understanding the story. The third day was not the third day of the week, but the third day after nathaniel became a follower of jesus. On the third day there was a wedding in cana of galilee, and the mother of jesus was there. John 2 commentary william barclays daily study bible. After clicking register, you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. Also, the opinion of the ruler of the feast that the wine. The first miracle jesus christ performs during his ministry is changing water into wine at a marriage feast in cana john 2. John 2 new king james version nkjv water turned to wine. A bible story summary of jesus turning water into wine. In answer he refers to his own death and resurrection, john 2.

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